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Sikana Author

David Andrews

I started off as a writer, and have always continued to write in some form, whether it be stories from my life or assessment passages. I began as a newspaper reporter before moving into educational publishing as a writer and editor. Projects I’ve helped lead include numerous K-12 English/language arts and mathematics textbooks, workbooks, and test banks. Educational publishers I’ve worked with include Pearson, McGraw-Hill, Loyola Press, and others, and I also developed nonfiction trade books with Heinemann-Raintree/Capstone and Agate Publishing. For some strange reason, I enjoy managing workflows, communicating with writers to ensure quality and consistency, editing manuscript, and meeting tight deadlines.

I’m glad to have found Sikana—Hilary and Val have fostered a community of writers and editors who combine positivity and quality in a way that keeps the best in the business coming back.

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